Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Go Hug a Tree........

I like to call myself a "Tree Huger" from time to time when folks ask if I am religious. I always get the same look... 'what does that have to do with religion???'

Well for me, being into nature IS Spirituality. For me, our Big Blue Planet is the only Church I need, with the open sky being the most beautiful Cathedral ceiling that could ever exist.

Nurturing our planet is our duty, whether you believe in Buddha or Christ, or in no God at all.

Pollution, extinction, cons
umption of limited resources.... affect us all in one way or another. You can't escape it.

It is every single
human beings responsibility to take care of the only home we share with millions of other species.

Every child that goes to school should be taught how to care for the planet with the same emphasis as they are taught to brush their teeth, learn how to spell, read and know math.

Nurturing the environment teaches children empathy and compassion, respect, discipline, and self worth.

It teaches Science through gardening and composting and water conservation.

It teaches them about math and money and the economy by seeing how pollution and weather effects crops....

Man and nature have always been in a battle. We have always tried to fight against it, but we need to do the opposite... we need to work with it...
Man and nature can and must coexist. If we don't..... it's actually not the Planet that will suffer first.... we will...

If we poison the air & water and ruin the Land.... we will die first... and truth be told, the Planet will go on without us! It just won't harbor any life....

We only hurt ourselves and take the rest of life with us by not taking care of the planet.... so regardless of your Religion or back ground or politics.... Go Hug a Tree....:D


Deer Path Vintage said...

I like the concept of your blog. I am non-religious, too, and run into the same kinds of comments. It seems you can't say you have no religion without being looked at as some kind of nut.

Spirituality is a very human trait. Religion--organized religion--seems artificial to me. All religions were devised by man, so it follows that not any one of them is better than any other.

Your idea that one finds spirituality in nature seems closer to the truth.

I'll check back again. Keep writing!

Lora said...

I just found out I had a comment!!! Duh! Thanks Mona, I do have a lot more to say! LOL