Friday, December 12, 2008

The "Spiritual Atheist"

I have ALWAYS considered my self a "spiritual " person. For a period, I believed in God. But as many children in our society, I was "conditioned" to believe in God. God was in my school via a pledge to my country, on money, related to me everyday by all kinds of people..... it's just the way it was.

As I matured and really started to question life, the concept of a "Super Natural Being" just seemed more and more bizarre to me. Yet I still "felt" this spirituality inside the very core of my being. It was deep and it WAS THERE.... I could not deny it.

It's taken me a long time to come up with a phrase that I feel best describes this seemingly contradictory existence..... "Spiritual Atheism"

For me, this means that I am a conscientious, moral, peace loving, good will seeker, who believes that we are all connected to each other, but more significantly... connected to the Universe itself.

We are, as everyone knows, a mix of chemicals and minerals, made from elements that are abundant on our planet and in our Universe. But there is also something MORE to us ....

I firmly believe that there is a type of energy (for lack of a better word) that gives us that "feeling" , that sense of "spirituality" that "inner knowledge" that there is more to our short little stay here on earth as human beings.

I will elaborate more on this another day, but for now I want to leave you with the idea that there is an alternative to being either religious or being an atheist. There is something in between those two extremes in a shade of gray....

This "shade of gray" is what I want to explore and hope it's one you explore as well... and that you find the same peacefulness I have discovered by being a
spiritual atheist...

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